My Recipes

Recipes for every ‘special’ I sell will be available here one week after they are initially posted to Posibakes as a product. My recipes will always be 100% free to use, without ads, however if you would like to support me you can leave a little tip here.

Happy baking!
- Izzy


Chocolate Chunk Plant Cookies

Chocolate Chunk Plant Cookies

These chocolate chunk plant cookies are 100% vegan, and stuffed full with vegan chocolate :).  Makes 16 Cookies Ingredients: For the cookie: 260g plain flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1 tsp cream of...

Chocolate Chunk Plant Cookies

These chocolate chunk plant cookies are 100% vegan, and stuffed full with vegan chocolate :).  Makes 16 Cookies Ingredients: For the cookie: 260g plain flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1 tsp cream of...

Rosemary Brown Butter Cookies

Rosemary Brown Butter Cookies

These rosemary brown butter savoury cookies feature a lightly spiced savoury cookie base, a rosemary roux sauce filling, and they are topped with a rich, nutty rosemary brown butter.  Makes...

Rosemary Brown Butter Cookies

These rosemary brown butter savoury cookies feature a lightly spiced savoury cookie base, a rosemary roux sauce filling, and they are topped with a rich, nutty rosemary brown butter.  Makes...