Viennese Hearts

Viennese Hearts

These Viennese hearts are a perfect summer biscuit sandwich. Two buttery heart shaped Viennese biscuits sandwiched with velvety white chocolate buttercream and tangy raspberry jam, topped with white chocolate and raspberry flavoured buttercream. 

I use this recipe to make 11 hearts (22 individual biscuits) , you can make yours as big or small as you’d like however the cooking times will be accurate for this amount.


For the biscuits:

  • 200g salted butter, cubed
  • 50g icing sugar 
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 200g plain flour
  • 2 tsp cornstarch
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
For the icing:
  • 85g melted white chocolate
  • 112g cubed salted butter
  • 120g icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla

For the filling: 

  • 115g raspberry jam (100g to fill the hearts, 15g to make pink icing for the topping!)

1. Line two large baking trays. Using a heart shaped cookie cutter, draw heart shapes onto the baking paper in order to trace with your biscuit dough. 

2. Combine the ingredients for your biscuits, beating heavily with each addition until a smooth dough forms. Transfer the dough to a piping bag and cut a medium sized hole in the bottom. Carefully trace the hearts you have drawn with the dough and gently perfect the shape with your fingers until you have 22 heart biscuits. Chill for 1 hour (this is very important to retain the heart shape). Preheat your oven to 180C towards the end of this time, and bake for 10-12 minutes until golden brown. 

3. In a large bowl, make the ganache by beating together all the ingredients gradually until a light icing forms. Let chill for 1 hour to thicken. 

4. Place your chilled icing into a piping bag and cut a small hole in it. Turn half of your heart biscuits over. Pipe blobs of icing over them. Place 100g of the raspberry jam into another piping bag and carefully pipe into the centre of the biscuit. Complete your sandwiches with your remaining biscuits. 

5. With the leftover icing, drizzle/ pipe over in thin lines on the top of the biscuit. When around half is gone, add your remaining jam to the icing and mix until it turns pink. Pipe over the biscuits again.  

6. Let the biscuits set in the fridge to set for at least 3 hours. Enjoy!

Tips: I like to store my biscuits in the refrigerator and then eat chilled or at room temperature. If refrigerated, these biscuits taste best when consumed within 5 days. It can also be frozen if you separate the fillings and biscuits :).

If you give my recipe a try, please consider leaving me some feedback or sending me a picture of your bake! You can contact me @sliceoflifeizzy on instagram and Snapchat.

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