Blueberry muffin cookies

Blueberry muffin cookies

These cookies are the perfect cross between a blueberry muffin… and a cookie! Stuffed with white chocolate chips and swirled with blueberry jam, they are the perfect summer flavour combo. The streusel topping adds extra crunch and texture, perfectly complimenting the soft cookie.

I make 12 cookies with this recipe, you can make your cookies however large you want but please note that the cooking time will be accurate for 12 cookies- larger cookies will take longer, smaller cookies won’t take as long.


  • 125g salted butter
  • 75g granulated sugar
  • 75g dark brown soft sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 270g plain flour
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
  • 200g white chocolate chips 
  • 120g blueberry jam

For the streusel:

  • 45g butter
  • 30g dark brown soft sugar
  • 30g white sugar
  • 60g plain flour 


  1. Start by browning your butter- cut into small cubes and add to a medium sized saucepan. On a medium heat, keep stirring the butter. It will go through several stages. First, it will melt. Then it will start to boil and bubble violently, before it will become quiet and the bubbles will become thick and foamy. Pay very close attention at this point as the butter will soon start to turn brown and smell caramelised. Take your butter off the heat and let cool a little.
  2. Combine your butter, sugars, egg, milk and vanilla, beating well as you add each ingredient. In a separate bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar. Add this to your wet ingredients and gently fold in. Add your white chocolate chips and mix until evenly distributed through the batter. Finally, add dollops of blueberry jam and gently swirl through the mixture, making sure it doesn’t combine too much. 
  3.  Next, make the streusel. Simply combine butter, sugars and flour until a crumbly dough is formed.
  4. Separate your mixture into 12 balls (this is quite a messy task!) and top with your streusel, pushing it firmly onto the cookie. Freeze for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 180C.
  5.  Bake your cookies for 9-12 minutes, until turning golden on the edges and set in the centre. Leave to set for 5 minutes before moving to a cooling rack. Let cool and enjoy!

Tips: I like to store my cookies in the refrigerator and then microwave them for around 30s before I eat them! If refrigerated, these cookies taste best when consumed within 5 days. They can also be frozen :).

If you give my recipe a try, please consider leaving me some feedback or sending me a picture of your bake! You can contact me @sliceoflifeizzy on instagram and Snapchat.

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